Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The Weather

Since our last trip, there has been little to report in the way of news. Elliott is still busy at school, but is thankful the 6 am Cross Country practices have finished for the season. Tim has a few busy weeks of travel ahead of him. As for me, plodding along as usual. I do have some work coming my way with some quilting. A woman I play tennis with needs help putting together a quilt top she is making for her daughter's wedding. It will be nice to get my hand in again after this long dry spell.

And that transitions us in nicely to today's topic - the weather. It has been sooo dry here. Week after week of gorgeous sunshine. Lovely for tennis, but the dams are seriously drying up. The dam that provides us with water is now at 15% capacity. It is at the point people are discussing at what level the water will be unsafe to drink. We are down to the sludge at the bottom of the tank. A few days, the clouds would gather and it almost looked as if it could rain, but nothing happened. However, this week, we finally have seen some rain. A light gentle rain over a few days, but it is better than nothing. It is enough to push back Level 6 water restrictions, but not for long. So far, the rain has been enough to give Brisbane water for an additional 5 days.

The picture I'm posting is of our new pool cover. It's a bit of an eyesore, but everyone has to have one now. Our pool has suffered in the rain if you can believe it. The outlet for the pool pump has taken in water and blew all the power in the house. (This kind of mechanical emergency only happens when Tim is away of course...) We hope an electrician will arrive sometime before summer.

That's it for now - sorry so boring! We have a little trip planned for Mid - September so I am looking forward to that. Something to blog!