Saturday, October 20, 2007

Election Fever

The Prime Minister of Australia, John Howard, has finally made it official. He called a General Election to be held on Novemeber 26. After months of phony campaigning, the real campaign has started. In Australia, the pre-election build up is only 6 weeks. It is somewhat different to the US because the party leaders are already chosen - Australians are spared "The Primaries". There are a few smaller parties, but mainly the opposition to John Howard and his Liberal Party is Kevin Rudd in the Labor Party. So far, the polls suggest Rudd will win, but no one is willing to write of Howard because he is an experienced and wily politician.

It is heading into spring here and we have been lucky enough to have a bit of rain. I have been lazy about going into my gym at the University of Queensland because it has been so gorgeous outside I haven't wanted to go indoors to walk on the treadmill. The Jacaranda trees are in bloom now and they are absolutely spectacular. The other day I took my camera with me on my walk around the campus to take some photos of the birds and the trees. It was funny to realize I wasn't the only one with this idea - several other people were out taking snaps. A picture of UQ even ended up in the national paper, "The Australian". I read that the rumor is once the Jacaranda trees come into bloom, it is too late to start studying for your exams. Also, if a Jacaranda blossom falls on your head, you will fail your exams. So, students walk under the trees using their books as a hat.

Tim just got back from a week in the UK. Sadly, he was in Portsmouth and wasn't able to make the time to get to Cheltenham to see our friends there. I was also trying to get him to go see our old dog Holly. Even after 2 years, I still miss that ridiculous dog. I am debating getting up at 4 am tomorrow to watch England play for the Rugby World Cup. I'm not sure why I feel the need, because I don't believe I watched the last one while I did live there. Feeling sentimental I guess!