Sunday, March 19, 2006

Christmas Day...3 months later

WOW! and I mean WOW - World of Warcraft. We are in our new house now. Who cares if the faucets drip, the screens are ripped, boxes need unpacking? Not us. We are now wireless and broadband equipped. The moment we have been waiting for - for the past 3 months. Now Elliott and I can play our on line game together. We only have to learn how to share the loot without coming to blows and we'll be all set. Look for us in Sen'Jin Village next time you're out.

I've got Tim home to help with some photo technology. We'll give it a try to republish with some pictures. I think I've got the comments thing going, but please try it out.


Down Under with the Connor Family said...

test this comment feature

Anonymous said...

hmmm, well, I can access the blog, but can I comment?!

1. Great blog!
2. STAY AWAY FROM SHARKS. Okay, just had to get that out, because you are freaking me out with the stories!
3. Need more pics (no pressure, I know you're working on it) but how big is Elliott?! I can barely see him in that car picture and cannot believe it's the same little boy I pushed in a stroller back in August 1995!
4. Did I say need more pictures? I'm dying to see the country, and your descriptions are great.

Glad to hear you're settling in okay! As soon as I get a breather, will figure out skype:)
