Thursday, March 16, 2006

February 13, 2006

We have now been in Brisbane for almost 4 weeks. (Arrived January 13, 2006) I have quickly realized that I won't be able to keep up with everyone with e-mails and letters. It seems like once I write one letter, I'm exhausted at the thought of writing the same news in another letter. So, I have tried to figure out this new technology of the blog. This blog has adds on the site - so please let me know if they are excessively annoying. If I write a general blog, I think it will keep us going out to explore the area - or else I won't have anything to write about. Also, a public blog will keep us looking at the bright side of things because no one will read it if all I do is complain!

I have been reading "The Fatal Shore" by Robert Hughes. It's all about the first people to settle in Australia. I have to admit, our Quantas Business Class seats were a bit nicer than a year long boat trip in chains. I do relate to the feelings of the convicts of going somewhere very far away and the uncertainty of seeing our friends again. I think it would be different if we had owned a house in England and knew we'd be going back there. As it stands now, we really don't know where we'll go next. We can't really feel homesick because we don't really have a home. Maybe just feeling adrift. The date line and time zone are disconcerting ideas. We missed a day somewhere and I think I still miss it. As for the time zone, it's very hard to figure out what time it is in England and the US and then think about what day it is as well.

We do have a good first impression of Brisbane and Australia in general. It is very hot here and very humid. The sun is very strong - 2 out of 3 people in Queensland will get skin cancer. We have arrived in the middle of a draught - so there are some water restrictions for home owners. It has rained a bit since we've been here. It is still so warm you don't need a coat, even when it's raining. Queensland is a huge state - twice the size of Texas. There is so much to do and see - we could spend 2 years here and never exhaust the possibilities in this state alone. Brisbane is very sprawling. You quickly settle in to your own patch and don't ever need to leave to the far reaching suburbs. There are alot of buses, trains and even a cool water bus.

Everyone kept telling us about all the ways we would be killed in Australia. Crocodiles, red back spiders, snakes...The first week we were here, a woman was eaten by a shark off the shore in Brisbane and a girl was killed by a jelly fish just north of here. More amusing tales have appeared in the paper - a young man broke his leg while trying to stomp on a huntsman spider (non-venomous). And this one I love - a grandmother was doing her knitting while watching the Australian Open tennis on TV. (This is inside her living room...) and she gets bit by a poisonous 1.5 meter long brown snake. Luckily, it didn't get the fangs in all the way before she brushed it off and moved to another chair. Gotta like that story. The sharks are a bit off putting I must admit. I have heard of Triathlons that advertise how safe they are because they use helicopters to patrol for sharks as you do your open water swim. I think has made me realize tennis is so much more suitable. We have realized our success in Australia will depend more on the wild life we hope not to see, as opposed to great wild life sightings.

As for personal stuff, we found a house to rent. It won't be available until March 13 or so. So we are still in a two bed apartment. It has a kitchen and a pool - so we can't really complain. Elliott isn't thrilled with school so far, but we hope to get things more settled within a few weeks. They need to assess everything and determine what class Elliott needs to be in. He is also missing having broadband computer access. We are desperate to start playing World of Warcraft. Tim is very busy at work. He doesn't yet know if he's coming or going or just going in circles. I'm doing ok. I miss my friends, and of course, our dog Holly. I like my little routine and need to start working to set one up.

The Super Bowl is just starting here - 9 am Monday morning. I haven't watched it in 12 years, but feel tempted today. The other families here from Boeing are all from Seattle. Something tells me the guys aren't getting much work done.

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