Thursday, June 15, 2006

Birthday Weekend

Saturday, we celebrated Elliott's 11th birthday. Elliott took 10 friends to Laser Force where they ran around and shot each other with laser guns and played arcade games. Great fun was had by all - Tim and another Dad enjoyed it as much as the kids I think. It was lucky to have chosen an indoor activity as it rained all afternoon. This was the first real rain we have seen in months, but it was not enough to stave off the next level of water restrictions that came in force this week.

Sunday was Tim's birthday. We had a quieter day then with a nice walk on Mount Coot-tha's Aboriginal Art Trial. Tim and I both turned 40 this year - quite the milestones! On one of our walks over the weekend, we saw Rainbow Lorikeets, Sulpher Crested Cockatiels, and even some Galah Birds. The Galah Birds look like a pigeon, but have a fantastic red chest.

Monday, everyone had the day off in order to celebrate the Queen of England's Birthday. In Australia, this provides another opportunity to skive off work and makes for a nice long weekend. It is funny how the Queen of England's birthday is a day off here, but not in England. Any excuse for a party! Monday also happened to be Lee Deer's Birthday! Perhaps not so widely celebrated in Australia, but an important event nonetheless.

Tim's mom, Sophie, has arrived in town. We went into the city today and walked around. The Botanical Gardens was interesting to see, but it is looking rather sad without enough rain. The plants can only be watered by carting around recycled water from the storm drains. Many beds have been destroyed and plowed under as the plants have died. I already have gotten shin splints from trying to keep up with Sophie. I should have been in training for all the upcoming activity this month! Promise of more interesting blogs in the future as we start our travels around Australia. Next stop - Cairns and the Great Barrier Reef.

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