Friday, October 20, 2006

The Nine Month Dip

Been a quiet few weeks here without much news to report. Tim is now home after almost two weeks away. He was very anxious to come home because he had a new bike being built for himself. It is a new type of mountain bike - the 29 inch wheel or some such. I believe he has been taking pictures of the bike and even created his own mini blog on some bike geek web site. I will have to check with him to link for you, or get him to help me with the photos. So he has been consumed by this for the past week or so - very exciting!

Elliott is back to school. His class went to some Indy Car race day on the Gold Coast yesterday. Not much information came back with him, except there were lots of ladies wearing skimpy shorts and very revealing tops. I presume they were there to decorate the cars. He has a day off next Monday. I'm pretty sure this term will be a total write off as it only has about 5 weeks left till they break at Christmas.

I have been feeling pretty sorry for myself here - even though my life can't get much easier. With all my tennis playing, I've had to get some physio on my shoulder and now my back seems to have gone. Hit 40 this year, and it all seems to be crashing in on me!

One of my very good friends here has decided they probably won't be staying in Australia too much longer. For many reasons, they may move within 6-9 months. This news really sent me down in the dumps, even though it may never happen and is in the future anyway. But all their reasons for moving are all reasons I am struggling to really settle here and it all comes to the surface. So I think this is my 9 month dip - I hope it passes. Tim seems quite happy here and Elliott just doesn't want to move again. I am looking forward to our trip to the US in December. I can't remember feeling this much in need of homeleave in a very long time. I am now reading a book called "A Fair Go For All" about American - Australian relations. I am hoping to pick up a few tips on how to relate to these Aussies. Will post next blog about the book and all the things I hope to learn!

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