Monday, November 13, 2006

Election Results

Well, absolutely nothing happening here I'm afraid. Makes for a very poor blog. Tim is now away again for the third week in a row. This time he is down in Melbourne. He lost his wedding band just before he left and I'm hoping that isn't some subconscious clue....

Elliott and I have been having a pretty quiet time of it. Today he is home sick from school with a cold. The delivery boy from Pizza Hut now calls me by name.

I guess the highlight of the last few weeks was following the U. S. election progress. Through a friend of a friend, I heard about a Demorcrats Abroad group that is here in Brisbane. There are 65 or so people in the group. I went on Wednesday afternoon to watch the election results come in. They seemed like a nice group of people. Several of them are retired people that have lived outside the US for 30 years. It was inspiring to see people who had been away so long, yet still interested in the politcal process. I felt very guilty that I hadn't bothered to get an absentee ballot, especially since Missouri seemed to have a close Senate race. I couldn't really use the excuse I have been away a long time when these people have been gone twice as long.

Not too much longer and we will be heading back to the US for Christmas. We leave in less than a month. Our Christmas card routine will make me reflect over the past year and see what've done in the 12 month period. Lots of changes to be sure.

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