Sunday, January 13, 2008

Soooo Lazy!

I don't know how it happened so much time went by since the last post. I had about given up on the whole idea and felt life was just too routine to find new material. However, we had a lot of nice cards and e-mails this Christmas with encouragement so I'll try and rally! Also, we'll take on board the comments - "More Photos" - we did get a new little camera. As I review our vacation photos, though, I realize we were really remiss in getting pictures of family and friends. We seem to have a lot of underwater fish photos and video, but not one of anyone in my family. Doh!

We have gone from nothing to write about to everything to write about, so now I don't know where to start. Our trip to the US for the holidays was full of adventure and lots and lots of snow. First stop was Denver to see Laura, Dave and of course the dog Murphy. However, we landed in a blizzard and had to adjust our plans. Laura was able to pick us up at the airport, but we couldn't make it out to their place in the mountains where Dave and Murphy were snowed in. We spend two nights in the Holiday Inn Express. It wasn't as bad as all that really as the place had high speed internet, a gym, a pool and free breakfast. We hung around in Denver for a day and went to the zoo. I'm pretty sure we were the only people out besides the polar bear.

Luckily for us, it did stop snowing and we were able to head out to Buena Vista for one night. It was great to see Laura and Dave and of course Murphy. The house was absolutely FANTASTIC! The view in the snow was spectacular. If we ever get around to building in Tuscon, we must have Dave design it because the house they have built is perfect in every way!
Laura and Dave have adjusted to life in the mountains and like to keep the windows open for "fresh air" even though it was 8 degrees out. Having now been in the sub-tropics for 2 years, we were wearing long underwear, 2 pairs of socks and had our hot water bottles at the ready!
When we went up to Indianapolis to see the rest of my family, we found ourselves in another snow storm. It was a shame not to see Wick, Alisa and Joseph as they got snowed in up northern Indiana. We did get to see Tom and Ann and the kids. Another trip to the zoo in Indy, but this time we stayed more indoors. We got to pet little sharks and see the new dolphin tank. Ann was a gracious hostess to have dinner for us all a few nights - even having the energy after Mary Jane's birthday party. I'm pretty sure I'd be having to lie down in a dark room with a cold cloth on my forehead if I had 4 kids, but Tom and Ann do a great job!

While we were in St. Louis, shopping seemed to be the main past time. I think we went to every bike store in a 25 mile radius. Clothes, shoes, luggage, tires, DVDs, wet suits...I can't even think what else. Sophie and Becky would look on in shock as we kept lugging in more packages. You can see why we had to get new luggage to haul all the stuff back. We played countless hours of Clue and Sorry. We had lots of lovely meals, and a million trips to Whole Foods. How I miss that store!

Well, I'm running out of gas on this post. I'll close for now and I'll post our trip to the Bahamas as a separate blog.

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