Sunday, March 11, 2007

The Homework Grind

Sadly, not much excitement here to report. We have entered into the business end of the school term and have a lot of homework. Notice I use the word "we"... Elliott is now in Year 8, having skipped Year 7. The work load has dramatically increased from Year 6 and it now has become a family effort to see the term long projects pulled together. Last year, there was one major project to present at the end of the term. This year, each subject has one. I have had to turn over the supervision of Maths and Science to Tim, as both subjects have already gone beyond me. I will soldier on with English, Social Studies and Christian Studies. Well, I'm sure Christian Studies will be beyond me as well; it looks like Elliott will be on his own for that one! So our weekends have been spent doing projects and going to cricket.

The newspapers have been full of some political intrigue about a former Western Australian Premier turned lobbiest. Anyone who has lunch with the man is having to resign and John Howard is trying to smear the new Labour Leader. But, really, I can't muster up much enthusiam for the story. It seems tame compared to the intrigue with Scooter Libby and the FBI wire-tapping. If you had to get rid of everyone in Washington who had a meal with a lobbiest, there wouldn't be anyone left to run the country.

The real talk around is still the water shortage. Last weekend, there was talk of a cyclone coming that would solve all our problems. However, this never came to pass. We've had a few showers for the past few weeks, but not much in the dam. The dam is down to 19% now and Level 5 water restrictions will start next month. Everyone I know is getting the rain water tank installed and the hot topic is how long the waiting list is. Queenslanders are getting upset now the newspaper has pointed out most of the water in the dam is going to provide power for New South Wales. It will bad enough to have water rationing, but it will be unendurable to live without the power to run the air conditioner!

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