Thursday, September 27, 2007

First Annual Green Bridge Run

Earlier this month, we signed up to do a run to celebrate the new "Green Bridge" that opened at University of Queensland this year. I think I have mentioned the bridge before, but in case I didn't - it is a bridge that goes over the Brisbane River joining part of the city and UQ. It isn't really the color green, but it's green in the sense only buses, bikes and pedestrians can use it.

There was the choice of an 8 km run or a 4 km run. I thought 4 km would be plenty for us all as I had asked some friends to join us and they have a 5 year old. Tim and Elliott were up to the challenge and set off at a torrid pace. I don't seem to be much of a runner anymore - feeling a bit too old these days. So I walked with my friend and her son. It was a lovely spring morning and the course was a beautiful loop along the river and over the bridge.

Tim and Elliott both managed to finish 4th place in their age groups. I sqeaked in just ahead of a very old golden retriever with hip dysplasia. UQ then had an open day where everyone could use the facilities for free. It is a lovely place in a fantastic setting. We went for a swim. Elliott talked Tim into going on the bouncy slide in the pool. It was funny to watch adults trying to manage it. The lifeguard said adults are always trying to "help" the little ones and end up wiping out. We are already looking forward to the 2nd annual run!

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