Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Politics and Comedy

Australia has just finished hosting the APEC summit. I think that means Asian Pacific Economic Conference or some such. It seems to be like a G8 meeting, but focusing on this region. Australia spent 250 million dollars on security for the event. A giant steel wall was erected around the Central Business District of Sydney to make sure the protesters wouldn't cause too much trouble. Most presidents and premiers arrived on various commercial airlines with little fanfare. However, George Bush's arrival was much more elaborate. Air Force One with all the trimmings, the armored car, the snipers on the roof tops. There was a huge to - do about his safety.

The APEC summit had George Bush a little on the back foot because he is very unpopular about Iraq here. Also, he was a bit defensive about the role of China in the region. As the US has focused on Iraq, China has gone from strength to strength. The Chinese signed a 45 billion dollar deal with Australia for Liquified Natural Gas and have now become the largest trading partner of Australia.

But the funniest event was when a famous comedian dressed up as Osama Bin Laden and managed to get thru 2 checkpoints and arrive within 10 metres of Bush's Hotel. There is a show called "The Chaser's War on Everything." It is a mixture of politics and silly antics - a cross between Dom Jolly and The Daily Show. The guys put together a motorcade of Black SUV's with Canadian flags on them and bluffed their way into the secure zone. When they had almost arrived at Bush's hotel, they had to get out of the car because someone finally realized the guy was dressed up as Osama Bin Laden. The whole episode was rather hilarious and made a mockery of the 250 million dollar security system. You can view the whole thing on You Tube - of course. I think the guys are lucky a zealous Secret Security agent didn't kill them.

Also in the news, our state of Queensland will have a new Premier. The current one, Peter Beattie, is stepping down. There will be a new one in his place - for the first time there will be a female premier here, Anna Bligh.

Not much new on personal level. Tim was away alot during the past month. Elliott and I have been holding the fort. One more week of school term before a little break.

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