Sunday, July 13, 2008


Well, it gets longer and longer between each post. My New Year's Resolution didn't even last half the year. I wonder what the average is? It isn't that I've been too busy - just apathetic!

Elliott has been on his Winter break from school. Tim has been very busy at work, but he did manage a few days off. We went down to Stanthorpe for a few days. It is on the border of New South Wales and is known for being a wine producing region. It is one of the few places in Queensland it ever snows. The weather wasn't great - it was pretty cold and a bit rainy. Luckily, the Girraween Country Inn was very cosy and served hot soup with dinner.

The hiking was a bit scary in Girrween National Park. The park is known for giant granite boulders. There was one route to the top of "The Pyramids" that became a bit slick in the drizzle. I stopped somewhere up towards the top. A bit further along, Tim left Elliott somewhere on a slippery ledge as the wind picked up. Needless to say, there were a few cross words exchanged on the way down!

The next day, we went to Bald Rock National Park. It was interesting because this park hardly gets a mention in the guide books. There is a giant granite monolith - second in size only to Uluru/Ayers Rock. There was a relatively easy path up to the top for some fantastic views. We were lucky enough to see a female Lyre Bird. I have been hoping to see one for 2 years now - so I was very excited. Have yet to see a male one, but they are even more elusive.

We have been thinking of moving back to the US sometime next year. Things are always a bit up in the air with Tim's job and future opportunities, but maybe our days overseas are numbered. We always said we would move back in time for Elliott to go to high school and the time is really next year or never. Australia has felt very far away from our families. I would look forward to owning my own house again - feeling more settled. Plus, I may be able to talk Tim into another dog....

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