Sunday, April 20, 2008

Has it really been 2 months?

What happened to the time?!

First things first - that bizarre fungus? We still have it - it's a mushroom that stinks to high heaven. Haven't been able to hang out my wash since it sprouted. Not sure we'll ever be rid of it. But we do hope to get rid of the rats in the attic. The guy has been out twice so far. Little scritch scratching at night. Ewwwww. Cockroaches, deadly spiders, rats and a smelly fungus....remind me why we're still here?

We have had a few short trips to the Gold Coast Hinterlands. It's just south of here and a little inland. Natural Bridge is a park that has a lovely waterfall and lots of glow worms and interesting bats. We spent a few nights at Binna Burra in Lamington National Park. It is very near O'Reilly's Guesthouse, but there is no road access between the two parts of the park. On one of our bush walks, I'm almost stepped on a 10 foot long carpet python sunning itself on the path. As I remember it, I was in front with Elliott behind me. Tim had stopped on the path to zip up the back pack. I screamed, turned and pushed Elliott back up the path to safety. To hear Tim tell it....well, he says I just about knocked him off a cliff to get away from the snake. Elliott swears he had to run or I would have trampled him. Believe who you will! It was rather exciting once the dust settled. Too bad about the photo - the snake slithered partially off the path before we could get a snap.

Our thoughts have been back in the US as my dad has been very sick in hospital. It is difficult to live so far away. I felt I needed to stay here to get Elliott off on his school trip, but felt I really should have gone back. Elliott did go off this week, but now the crisis seems to have passed. Dad is working hard getting back his strength and hopes to be back home as soon as possible. We have really been sorry to be so far away.

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