Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Love Affair is Over

Well, be careful what you wish for, because you might get it. I was hoping for some bright clear days so I could finally get in my next golf lesson. Yesterday, there wasn't a cloud in the sky. It was gloriously sunny. However, the downside (and with me...isn't there always a downside?), was it was 40 degrees. For those of you still in old money, that's 102 degrees. I stood outside in the broiling sun for an hour practicing my "half swing". I've never been neither so BORED nor so HOT in all my life. Probably, I should add DEHYDRATED to that list. I'm afraid my brief love affair with golf may be over for good. Two more lessons to go - let's hope there is some middle ground between flooding and parching.

For next time, I hope to investigate a bizarre mushroom like fungus thing that has now sprouted in the back yard. It stinks to high heaven and attracts the flies. Will try and find out what on earth this thing is and how to get rid of it. The excitement never stops!

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