Saturday, February 16, 2008

Monsoon Season

Well, after my last post, I was all excited to get going on my golf. But, sadly, I'm not sure it's meant to be. We have had so much rain here, my golf course is underwater. The golf practice area is near a little stream and it has flooded several times lately. Two lessons in a row have been a wash out! So disappointing! I was also looking forward to playing tennis again this week, but even that was rained off one day.

As a result of all this rain, I have discovered a new product in the grocery store: Damp Rid. Everything in the house feels damp - the sheets, the sofa, the clothes in the closet. I now have had to buy little packages of desiccant to put in the cupboards and around the house. It's amazing how much water can collect in those little tubs so quickly. When I first moved here, people told me how you had to spray the clothes in your closet for mildew and finally I can see the point. It wouldn't surprize me to open up a trunk of winter clothes to find them covered in mold. It doesn't help to have a drier that has no vent to the outside. Just what we need - extra moisture!

I have made a point to find some new things to do this past week with my outdoor plans thwarted. I went to see the Andy Warhol Exhibit at the Modern Art Museum. It was a great exhibition with 300 works of art. It was like a blast from my youth to see all the 80's memorabilia. There were several of his movies there as well with warning labels on them - unsuitable for young children. Intriguing! It was a shock to discover I couldn't figure out what was going on in the movies. After I came out, I read the blurb....Ah, so that's what they were doing! Getting so old.

I even went to some regular movies this week. I went to see "Charlie Wilson's War" and really enjoyed it. It was very interesting to see the whole build up in Afghanistan in light of where the world is now. I saw the previews for "Dan, In Real Life" and thought that would be fun for all of us a family. Ooops. Not a bad movie, but it was a real Chick Flick. Probably should have seen the war one with guys, and saved the Dan for a girl's day out.

We've been following the US news quite a bit with the Superbowl and then Super Tuesday. There was a funny article in the paper pointing out how many more Americans watched the football than actually went to vote. I've subscribed to Newsweek now and it is nice to feel a little more connected to the US. I've had more time to read it as I'm back in the school run again. All this talk of Super Delegates is interesting. If Obama wins more regular delegates and still loses the nomination due to the Clinton lock on Super Delegates, I will be well and truely disgusted.

On a brighter note with all the rain, we have some lovely flowers in the garden. We also may see some easing of water restrictions. I think they should keep severe ones in place. Everyone has gotten used to them by now, so why go back to using more water. Personally, I may use a tad more water. I have gathered my materials together to do a little fabric dying again. I won't feel so bad doing an extra load of laundry or two with so much rain.

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