Sunday, February 03, 2008

First Golf Lesson

Last Saturday, I had my first golf lesson. I have already made quite the impression at the golf club because I had gone the week previously...only to realize I was a week too early. How keen is that!? But this time, it really was the correct week. Luckily, the weather held off and it went off without a hitch. We have still had so much rain every day, but sadly it is not raining in the dam as much as we had hoped.

Anyway, the golf lesson. It was great! The class was made up of 7 people, all of us total beginners. I chose a club near Elliott's school that I have been to quite a bit for coffee and lunch. It is in a lovely setting with kookaburras and sulphar crested cockatoos flying around. We didn't do too much really - just learned the grip and hit with a 7 iron. I was able to send a few nice shots up in the air to the little green 110 metres away. It was such a nice sound and a great feeling. I think it's like tennis - the one lovely shot almost makes up for the 10 mediocre ones. I had such a nice hour. I'm looking forward to going to a driving range and hitting a few balls this week sometime. I'm not sure I'm ready to buy some clubs yet, but it was a very fun first lesson.

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